
Monday, October 13, 2014

With Grace and Salt

{Daily Selah}

 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (Colossians 4:6)

Words are mentioned many times and in many ways throughout the Bible. Our words, whether we realize it or not, carry a lot of power. The things we say can build up or tear down a person and they can bring joy or pain to another person's heart. 

Colossians 4:6 is a short verse but carries with it 3 very important instructions for the use of our words.

Gracious.  Our words are to be filled with grace. Since we have experienced the grace of God, we have a responsibility to speak with grace to others.

Seasoned with salt.  Before the advent of refrigerators and freezers, salt was often used to preserve meat.  As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, our words should be used as a preservative. Preserve what? Righteousness and truth. 

An Answer. This admonition sums up all three. We are to be ready to give an answer. Where do we find words of grace to answer with? Where do we find words seasoned with salt to answer with? In God's Word. Studying God's Word and spending time with Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us, is the only way to learn His ways, His truth and His words, is the only way to be ready to give the right answer. 

Just as God desires that our thoughts and our ways be more like His, He wants the same of our speech. 

How are we supposed to speak?

With grace and salt.

Father, thank You for speaking wonderful words of grace, hope and life to us. Help us to use our words to build up, preserve and season, and never to tear down or destroy. Give us a desire to spend more and more time in Your Word so the words of our mouths will bring You glory as You impart Your truth and righteousness to us. May our words and our lives bring You glory. In Jesus' Name, amen. 

{Daily Selah} is a mini-devotional, a pause to ponder about the Lord and how He wants us to live.

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