
Monday, August 18, 2014

On Misunderstanding and Misinformation

2 choices of title were weighed carefully for this post.  My first thought was to call it,"On Messianics and Christians," but that sounded a bit too much like a comparison, which is not my intent. So, if you'll bear with me for a bit, let's examine the misunderstanding and the misinformation.

1. The Misunderstanding
You may have noticed the description of this blog above next to the title.

"Faith Reviewed. Remembering what God has done." 

The "About" page says, in part:
"In both the Old and New Testaments, we see God's amazing love and power to transform lives. As we look back to the true roots of faith, we can gain a clearer, more complete view of the love of the Creator for His creation. Remembering what God has done encourages us and builds our faith. Looking back can, indeed, help us go forward. 
But, this blog isn't just about looking in the rear view mirror. We also look ahead to the Author and Finisher of our faith who continues to lead the way for us."

I firmly believe that the faith God placed in my heart to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ alone for my salvation is a direct and literal fulfillment of the faith He placed in the hearts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And, it is the direct and literal fulfillment of the promise He made many years ago to send the Messiah of Israel and the world to redeem us.

You may have also noticed a "Faith Roots" page on this blog.

The title of that page alone has caused some to accuse me of "Judaizing" without taking the time to read further. Both the "About" page and the "Faith Roots" page include a link to "Beliefs and Perspective." Therein, it is made clear that I am not a Hebrew Roots Christian, nor am I a Messianic Jew. It was stated there also that I am simply a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ who happens to have a Jewish heritage and an interest in the beginnings of our faith.

If one takes the time to investigate, they would learn that I am very thankful to be living under grace and very thankful for the freedom I have in Christ.

2. The Misinformation
"Judaizing" accusations I can live with because I know they are simply inaccurate.  The other matter - the misinformation that also prompted this post, however, really bothers me because it serves only to divide the body of Christ.

I read a blog this evening; a blog written someone who says they have a "Messianic" faith. (Note: I'm fairly certain this person is not a Messianic Jew, but rather a misinformed individual.)

The writer claimed Gentiles perverted the truth when they infiltrated the original faith of the followers of Yeshua (Jesus), a sect of Judaism known as "The Way." The result, the writer claimed, was the paganism seen in the Roman Catholic church and in those who came out of it (i.e. Protestants).  The blog went on to imply that only those who have faith in Yeshua (Jesus) AND keep all the laws of the Torah (the 5 books of Moses) are true followers of the Messiah.

Let's take a look at the 3 assertions made by the writer that are underlined above.

i.) A sect of Judaism. Judaism was in the time of Christ, and is now, a religion. Religion is by definition, a system of rules, rites and rituals defined by man. True faith in Christ is based on Him and His Word alone. Reading the gospels and the book of Acts is enough to let anyone know that Jesus, nor His disciples adhered to the rules dictated by religion.

ii.) Paganism. Catholicism is a subject for another time, perhaps. But, true Christianity - based on salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone - has no roots in paganism. The living Lord Jesus Christ Who died for the sins of the world is the foundation of both my faith and my church.

iii.) Keeping the law.  As stated above, I am very thankful to be living under grace and very thankful for the freedom I have in Christ. Galatians 3 makes it quite clear that the law was a "schoolmaster" to teach us our need of a Savior.

The law's purpose was to show us how much we fall short and that we are incapable of ever reaching God's standards. That's why He reached down to us and sent His Son to do what we could never do. When Jesus died, He not only took our sin on Himself, but as the fulfillment of the law, also freed us from the bondage and curse of the law. Now that the Savior has come, we no longer need a schoolmaster (again, see Galatians 3).

God has written His law upon our hearts (Romans 2:15) and now, the Holy Spirit living within directs us in right paths. We no longer need a legalistic approach to obedience but rather, an approach based on surrender to God and the work of His Spirit in our hearts.

I hope the above clears up any misunderstanding and pray the Lord will prevent any further misinformation harming and dividing the body of Christ. 

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